Irish and EU legislation:
- Competition Act 2002;
- Competition (Amendment) Act 2006;
- Communications Regulation (Amendment) Act 2007;
- Competition (Amendment) Act 2012;
- Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014;
- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Ireland assesses dominance in the market place by the following factors:-
- The market share of the allegedly dominant firm / undertaking relative to its competitors, both current and past levels
- Barriers to entry
- Barriers to expansion
- Customer switching costs
- Ability of the allegedly dominant firm / undertaking to act independently of its competitors
- Countervailing buyer power
- If you are aggrieved in respect of a dominant undertaking actions or anti-competitive arrangements that apply then you should seek our advice as soon as possible.
- A right of action exists in both the Circuit Court and The High Court for breaches of section 4 and / or Section 5 of the Competition Act 2002.
- A successful challenger may be entitled to an injunction, a declaration and / or damages including exemplary damages.
Contact Alan Wallace – or call Alan on 01 668 4333 with any queries.