Medical Negligence Claims*

Mangan O’Beirne Solicitors LLP have decades of experience in dealing with medical negligence litigation.

Mistakes, accidents and/ or professional malpractice do occur. The injured party is entitled to compensation for the injury caused through no fault of their own and for the ongoing impact it has throughout their life including ongoing medical and maintenance expenses.

Injuries and medical negligence claims arise from various treatment areas in the healthcare sector and include spinal injury, cosmetic surgery, dental, hospital infection, brain injury, birth injury, neonatal, eye injury, cancer, defective medical products and professional mal practice whether in a hospital setting or general practice.

Medical negligence cases are by their very nature complicated. We retain experienced Junior and Senior Counsel with niche expertise to provide the best possible advice on the prospects of success of your potential claim.

We will listen carefully to your traumatic experience and advise on the options which arise for you to consider further. We aim to provide the best possible service to you so that you are fully informed of all your options and any obstacles that may arise in pursuing a claim for medical negligence.

In all negligence claims time is of the essence. Court proceedings must be initiated within two years from the date of accrual of the cause of action (i.e. an operation, procedure or other medical intervention) or the date of knowledge of the person concerned as respects that cause of action, whichever occurs later. These periods are set down by the Statutes of Limitations Acts. If you think you may have a case it is important that you should talk to us at the earliest opportunity.

Compensation in any medical negligence case comprises:

  1. general damages for pain and suffering and
  2. special damages to cover any financial losses which may arise. Special damages may include past and future loss of earnings, the cost of ongoing medical treatment, rehabilitation, maintenance and housing costs into the future. We will arrange to obtain expert reports as may be required including reports from medical consultants, occupational therapists, rehabilitation experts and actuaries who will calculate the cost of any future loses. We aim to ensure that an injured party is fully compensated under every heading allowable.

You will have access to one of our partners (Tony O’Beirne or Alan Wallace) at all times throughout the process.

Please contact us at 01 668 4333 or email

*in contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage of proportion of any award or settlement 

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